Inglês, perguntado por dieniferTeixera, 6 meses atrás

Passem as frases para a forma negativa.

1- I have traveled to Rio de Janeiro.

2- I think the President of the USA has been a bad guy.

3- On March 2020, Covid 19 has reached our country.

4- My cat has looked to the fishbowl for almost one hour.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nalu779

1- I have not (haven't) traveled to Rio de Janeiro.

2- I think the President of the USA has not (hasn't) been a bad guy.

3- On March 2020, Covid 19 has not (hasn't) reached our country.

4- My cat has not (hasn't) looked to the fishbowl for almost one hour.

dieniferTeixera: obrigada
nalu779: por nada ❤️
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