Inglês, perguntado por vivictoriasoliveira, 9 meses atrás

Passe para o reported speech ;
a) I' spent a lot of time writing my C.V. yesterday,’ said Lucy.
b) ‘What do you think about my skills and qualifications, Tony?’ asked Brian
c) 'Don’t stay here until late, Jennifer. This can wait until tomorrow,’ said her boss.
d) ‘How many workers are doing this task, Gerry?’ asked the director.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


Reported speech

a) 'I spent a lot of time writing my C.V. yesterday,’ said Lucy.

   Lucy said that she had spent a lof of time writing her CV the day before.

b) ‘What do you think about my skills and qualifications, Tony?’ asked Brian

     Brian wanted to know what Tony thought about his skills and qualifications.

c) 'Don’t stay here until late, Jennifer. This can wait until tomorrow,’ said her boss.

  The boss told Jennifer not to stay there until late because that could wait until the following day.

d) ‘How many workers are doing this task, Gerry?’ asked the director.

   The director asked Gerry how many works were doing that task.


Reported speech >>  é quando repetimos, com as nossas palavras, o que outra pessoa falou. As duas frases, normalmente, são ligadas por ''that''.


' Eu não sei o que fazer' - Lucy disse. >>> direct speech

Lucy disse que não sabia o que fazer. >> reported speech

James said: ''I am very late''. >>> direct speech

James said that he was very late. >>> reported speech

Mudança de tempo verbal ao fazer o Reported speech

Direct speech            Reported speech

Simple present               Simple past

Simple past                     Past perfect

Present continuous        Past continuous

Present perfect              Past perfect

Can                                 Could

Will                                  Would  

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