Inglês, perguntado por saulotenorio9p56mce, 9 meses atrás

passe para forma interrogative

A) Joao is driving his car danger ously
B) Mom is cooking delicious meals ewery day
C) Patricia is combing hes long hais
D) we are studying at an excelent scool
E) yan going to the uk nest year

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leiasouza28881

A) Is Joao driving his car danger ously?

B) Is mom cooking delicious meals ewery day?

C) Is Patricia combing hes long hais?

D) Are We studying at an excelent school?

E) Is Yan going to the UK nest year?

Respondido por zop


A) Is João driving his car danger ously?

B) Is mom cooking delicious meals every day?

C) Is Patricia combing hes long hair?

D) Are we studying at an excelent school?

E) Is Yan going to the UK next year?

espero ter ajudado!! :)

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