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Mesopotâmia foi o nome dado pelos gregos as terras do oriente médio cortadas pelos rios Tigre e Eufrates,que nascem nas montanhas da armênia e desaguam no golfo pérsico.
Atividades complementares também eram desenvolvidas como, por exemplo, artesanato, fabricação de tecidos, metalurgia e confecção de jóias.
O comércio, uma das principais atividades econômicas, era praticado através das caravanas (expedições de comércio em grandes grupos). Os comerciantes nômades percorriam extensas áreas para vender suas mercadorias ou comprar matérias-primas que não eram encontradas na Mesopotâmia.
Os contatos comerciais eram feitos, principalmente, com sociedades do Oriente Médio e Índia.
O controle comercial era feito através de registros em placas de argila, utilizando caracteres cuneiformes.
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Mesopotamia was the name given by the Greeks to the Middle East land, cut by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which are born in the mountains of Armenian and flow into the Persian Gulf.
Complementary activities were also developed such as, handicrafts, textile manufacturing, metallurgy and production of jewelry.
Commerce, one of the main economic activities, was practiced by the caravan (trade expeditions in large groups). The nomadic traders roamed large areas to sell your goods or buy raw materials that were not found in Mesopotamia.
Commercial contacts were made mainly with companies in the Middle East and India.
The commercial control was done through records on clay tablets, using cuneiform.
Complementary activities were also developed such as, handicrafts, textile manufacturing, metallurgy and production of jewelry.
Commerce, one of the main economic activities, was practiced by the caravan (trade expeditions in large groups). The nomadic traders roamed large areas to sell your goods or buy raw materials that were not found in Mesopotamia.
Commercial contacts were made mainly with companies in the Middle East and India.
The commercial control was done through records on clay tablets, using cuneiform.
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