Inglês, perguntado por sousamonique472, 2 meses atrás

passe essas frases para o discurso indireto por favor alguem me ajuda vale 50 pontos


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Reported speech  >>  discurso indireto

The dentist:  ''You should brush your teeth three times a day.

The teacher:  ''All your answers are correct. You're making good progress.

Robert's mother: ''I need some coffee and you can buy some on the way from school.''

Robert's friend: ''If I met Nancy now, I would kiss her''

Rober is writing in his diary about his day.  Complete what he writes using reported speech.

1. This morning before l went to school , my mother said she needed some coffee and (that) I could buy her some on the way from school.

2. At school the teacher told me (that) all my answers were correct and that I was making good progress.

3. After lunch I went to the dentist´s, who told me I should brush my teeth three times a day.

4. On the way back l met Joe my friend who said he would kiss Nancy if he met her at that time.


⇒⇒  Reported speech >> é quando repetimos, com as nossas palavras, o que outra pessoa falou. As duas frases, normalmente, são ligadas por ''that''.


' I don't know what to do' - Lucy disse. >>> direct speech

Lucy said she didn't know what to do. >>> reported speech

James said: ''I am very late''. >>> direct speech

James said that he was very late. >>> reported speech

Direct speech               Reported speech

Simple present                Simple past

Simple past                      Past perfect

Present continuous         Past continuous

Present perfect                Past perfect

Can                                   Could

Will                                    Would

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