Inglês, perguntado por davisantos125, 9 meses atrás

Passe as sentenças para o plural:

a)There is a pretty woman on the beach.
b)The teacher told an interesting story.
c)the rich man left a big property.
d)I can see a white sheep in the field.
e)The cat chased a little mouse.
f)Your country is now independent.
g)He gave a dress to his wife.
h)Is your child healtly?
i)Is the beach dirty?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a. There are pretty women on the beach

b. The teachers told interesting stories

c. The rich men left big properties

d. We can see white sheep in the fields

e. The cats chased little mice

f. Your countries are now independent

g. They gave dresses to their wives

h. Are you children healthy?

i. Are the beaches dirty?

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