Inglês, perguntado por toinhaamauri, 7 meses atrás

Passe as orações para a forma interrogativa e interrogativa negativa inglês
a:It is a cow

b:We are teachers

c:He is in the parking garage

d:They are a police officers

Me ajudem por favor!!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Gabrields2000


a) Is it a cow?

Do it is not a cow?

b) Are we teachers?

Do we are not teachers?

c) Is he in the parking garage?

Does he is not in the parking garage?

d) Are they a police officers?

Do they are not police officers?

Na forma interrogativa-negativa colocase o o "do" ou o "does" no começo da frase e o "not" após o sujeito...

Espero ter ajudado...^-^

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