Inglês, perguntado por giovanaramirosilva, 10 meses atrás

Passe as frases para o negativo:

a) My father makes breakfast on Saturdays.
b) They are eleven years old.
c) She writes e-mails every week.
d) I speak Italian with my friend.
e) Danny calls his father on Sundays​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SeBno10


A)   My dad doesn't make breakfast on Saturdays.

B) They are not eleven years old.

C) She doesn't write emails every week.

D) I don't speak italian with my friend

E)  Danny doesn't call his dad on Sundays

SeBno10: Denada kk
Respondido por Neftss


a) My father does not makes breakfast on Saturdays.

b) They are not eleven years old.

c) She does not writes e-mails every week.

d) I do not speak Italian with my friend.

e) Danny does not calls his father on Sundays

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