Português, perguntado por lm1517oliveira, 4 meses atrás

passe as frases para forma negativa do verbo to be 1)the boys até at the club. 2) they are nervous. 3) Betty is my best friend. 4)He os a good engineer. 5) Alfred is in the hospital. 6)I am strong. 7) We are special costumers​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gabriele3859

Ficaria assim:


1)the boys are not at the club.

2) They are not nervous.

3) Betty is not my best friend.

4)He is not a good engineer.

5) Alfred is not in the hospital.

6)I am not strong.

7) We are not special costumers


Para fazer a forma negativa do verbo To Be é só acrescentar um Not depois do verbo:

I am not.

You Are not ou aren't;

He, she e it is ou isn't;

We are not ou we aren't.

You are not ou you aren't;

They are not ou aren't.

Lembrando que Aren't e Isn't são formas contraídas.

Espero ter ajudado. Um abraço!

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