Passe as frases para a terceira pessoa e traduza-as
1 -. I gol to School by cara
She _______________
2- we Study spanish
He ______________
3- they fix cars
My Brother ________
4- you whash the dishes
My sister ___________
5- we play soccer every Saturday
John _____________ 6- They have a big house
Susan ____________
7- Our teachers speak english Very well
My son ____________
8- I buy the tickets for show My father __________
9- you always say the thruth
Mary always ______ 10 they give me a gift
My daugther _______
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1 - She goes to school by car
2 - He studies spanish
3 - My brother fixes cars
4 - My sister washes the dishes
5 - John plays soccer every Saturday
6 - Susan has a big house
7 - My son speaks english very well
8 - My father buys the ticket for the show
9 - Mary always says the truth
10 - My daughter gives me a gift
Sempre que houver HE, SHE ou IT o verbo é conjugado colocando S, ES, ou IES no final:
Verbos terminados em -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x
- to teach (ensinar) - teaches
- to watch (assistir) - watches
- to push (empurrar) - pushes
Verbos terminados em -y e tem uma consoante antes:
- to fry (fritar) - fries
- to fly (voar) - flies
- to study (estudar) - studies
Se não se encaixa nos anteriores ou se termina com -y e tem vogal antes:
- to work (trabalhar) - works
- to say (dizer) - says
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