Inglês, perguntado por ileklilith, 8 meses atrás

*Passe as frases para a forma negativa
A)John lived with his parents in a country town.
B)That guy had a lot of important information.
C)Our great grandfather got a pension.
D)She knew English well but her brother hated it.
E)Ronaldo scored goals when he's in good shape.
F)We Lost control of our lives due to bad habits.
G)Mary and Anna went to college in the evening.
H)I worked in a bank for ten years.
1) Where you lived when you were young?
J) She studied French at university.
K) He traveled through the middle east last year.
L)They visited the Louvre in Paris?
M) She watched TV yesterday.
N) We buyed a new car last weekend.
0) Where you teached before you came here?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


A)John lived with his parents in a country town.

   John didn't live with ...

B)That guy had a lot of important information.

   That guy didn't have a lot ...

C)Our great grandfather got a pension.

   Our great grandfather didn't get a pension.

D)She knew English well but her brother hated it.

  She didn't know English ...

E)Ronaldo scored goals when he was in a good shape.

  Ronaldo didn't score goals ...

F)We Lost control of our lives due to bad habits.

  We didn't lose control ...

G)Mary and Anna went to college in the evening.

   Mary and Anna didn't go to ...

H)I worked in a bank for ten years.

   I didn't work in a ...

1) Where did you live when you were young?

  Where didn't you  live when...

J) She studied French at university.

   She didn't study French ...

K) He traveled through the Middle East last year.

   He didn't travel through the...

L)They visited the Louvre in Paris.

  They didn't visit the Louvre...

M) She watched TV yesterday.

  She didn't watch TV ...

N) We bought a new car last weekend.

   We didn't buy a new ...

0) Where did you teach before you came here?

    Where didn't you teach before ...


Did auxiliar >>> formar interrogativa/negativa - past tense

(1) Na interrogativa, é só colocar DID antes do sujeito - para todas as pessoas do verbo. I - you - he - she - it - we - they e o verbo na forma original, sem ''ed'' ou ''d''

(2) Na negativa, é só colocar DIDN'T antes do verbo e o verbo na forma original, sem ''ed'' ou ''d''

Essa regra vale para a maioria dos verbos em inglês.

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