Inglês, perguntado por zbabi, 4 meses atrás

Passe as frases abaixo para as formas interrogativas e negativas.

a) Allan Jones will work in a big city.
b) He will be rich.
c) He will have a great job.
d) His family will be a very special family.
e) They will be best friends.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lluisfelipe16


A) Will Allan Jones work in a big city? INTERROGATIVA

Allan Jones Will not wor in a big city. NEGATIVA

B) Will he be rich? INTERROGATIVA

He will not be rich. NEGATIVA

C) Will he have a great job? INTERROGATIVA

He will not have a great job. NEGATIVA

D) Will his family be a very special family? INTERROGATIVA

His family will not be a very special family. NEGATIVA

E) Will they be best friends?

They will not be best friends.


zbabi: obrigada.
lluisfelipe16: por nada
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