Inglês, perguntado por antunesdineia298, 7 meses atrás

Passe as frases abaixo para a negativa usando DON’T / DOESN’T / DIDN’T, AM NOT , ISN’T e AREN’T e logo em seguida faça as traduções das mesmas:
A) Amanda lives in Paraguay with her cousins
B) Johnny works for the government
C) I am a good student and I study hard everyday
D) Write you name on that paper
E) She is my best friend in this school
F) We are tired and we want to rest
G) This is a new song and I like it
H) Bernard plays violin and drums very wel
I) The buses are very empty these days
J) Corona Virus is dangerous.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por magnus24


A) Amanda doesn't live in Paraguay with her cousins.

B) Johnny doesn't work for the government.

C) I am not a good student and I don't study hard everyday.

D) Don't write you name on that paper.

E) She isn't my best friend in this school.

F) We aren't tired and we don't want to rest.

G) This isn't a new song and I don't like it.

H) Bernard doesn't play violin and drums very well.

I) The buses aren't very empty these days.

J) Corona Virus isn't dangerous.

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