Passe as frases abaixo para a forma interrogative:
They have worked as a doctor for almost five years.
You've won two million dollars
She has been married for two years.
She's known Paul for a long time.
They have been sick since April. Mary has lost a lot of weight recently.
It hasn't rained for a long time.
We haven't been to New York for three years.
I haven't seen my best friend since 2014.
She hasn't called your mother since June.
I and my Family have been living here for three years.
Soluções para a tarefa
- Have they worked as a doctor for almost five years ?
- Have you won two million dollars ?
- Has she been married for two years ?
- Has she known Paul for a long time ?
- Have they been sick since April ?
- Has Mary lost a lot of weight recently ?
- Has It rained for a long time ?
- Have we been to New York for three years ?
- Have I seen my best friend since 2014 ?
- Has she called your mother since June ?
- Have I and my Family been living here for three years ?
⟩⟩ Todas as frases estão no “Present Perfect”, logo para passar as frases que estão na forma afirmativa para a forma interrogativa é necessário seguir as regras desse tempo verbal.
⟩⟩ O Present Perfect é usado para indicar ações influenciadas pelo passado e que foram concluídas recentemente ou que ainda estão em curso.
⟩⟩ Esse tempo verbal se forma pelo verbo auxiliar “To Have” usado na mesma conjugação do “Simple Present” e o Past Participle {particípio passado} do verbo principal da frase.
› You have won two million dollars.
› She has been married for two years.
› She has known Paul for a long time.
⟩⟩ E para formar as sentenças interrogativas não há acréscimos de palavras ou a retirada, apenas colocamos o verbo auxiliar “have/has” antes do sujeito e o verbo principal continua na mesma forma.
› Have you won two million dollars ?
› Has she been married for two years ?
› Has she known Paul for a long time ?
||Espero ter ajudado!
||Bons estudos//
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