Inglês, perguntado por Walker00G3, 3 meses atrás

Passe as frases abaixo para a forma interrogativa

a) she / to collect/ stickers
b) they / to play / a game
c) the cat / to sleep / in the cat`s bed
d) she / to dream
e) he / to play/ streetball
f) the pupils / to wear/ school uniforms
g) you / to go / to the cinema
h) she / to have / friends
i) he / to read/ books

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por shrekmelhorfilme

does she collect stickers?

do they play a game?

do the cat sleep in the cat's bed?

does she dream?

does he play streetball?

do the pupils wear school uniforms?

do you go to the cinema?

does she have friends?

does he read books?

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