Passe a frases abaixo para a forma interrocativa ?
a) they have bought new shoes
b)you have learned mony lri CKS
c)she has stayedim this hotel
d)he has worked in this office
e) maria has played golf
f) fabio has watched that filme
i) lt has rained
j) joão has painud the school
h) we have traveled with my friend ?
oq é esse: ''mony iri cks''?
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a) Have they buy new shoes?
b) Have you learn mony iri cks?*
c) Has she stay in this hotel?
d) Has he work in this office?
e) Has Maria play golf?
f) Has joao painud the school?*
h) Have we travel with my friend?
todos tem uma regra:
has/have+pronome+verbo normal (sem estar no passado)+complemento
*nao entendi
b) mony iricks
j) painud
b) Have you learn mony iri cks?*
c) Has she stay in this hotel?
d) Has he work in this office?
e) Has Maria play golf?
f) Has joao painud the school?*
h) Have we travel with my friend?
todos tem uma regra:
has/have+pronome+verbo normal (sem estar no passado)+complemento
*nao entendi
b) mony iricks
j) painud
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