Inglês, perguntado por yasminduraes28, 1 ano atrás

Passe a frase "I thinkshe drives madlyandkeepshavingaccidents" para o Simple Past Qual é
a alternativa correta?
a) I thoughtshedrivedmadlyandkepthavingaccidents
b) I thoughtshedrovemadlyandkepthavingaccidents
c) I thinkedshedrivedmadlyandkeepedhavingaccidents
d) I thoughtshedrovemadlyandkeepedhavingaccidents​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustavoesa


Alternativa: Letra B!

I think she drives madly and keeps having accidents.

I thought she drove madly and kept having accidents.

Espero ter ajudado! =)

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