Inglês, perguntado por drezzaoliveira864, 8 meses atrás

party te change 2. Read the texts. Tick [V] the true sentences. [ ] There are 20 species of penguins. c. [ ] After ten months, baby kangaroos are b. [ ] Males penguins protect their eggs. mature to leave the pouch. d.) Kangaroos aren't marsupial animals. 3. In the text, there are words used to indicate that something belongs to somebody. Go back to the text and complete the sentences with the words related to the adjective pronouns. a. Males protect their c. The kangaroo mum uses her b. Females have a pouch on their d. [...] by keeping them on their 4. Look at the sentences. There is another way to indicate that something belongs to someone. It is called the genitive case. Use the examples to rewrite the sentences using the genitive case. The fur of the tiger = the tiger's fur The turde's shell the shell of the turtle The kangaroo's baby = the baby of the kangaroo a. The house of joão-de-barro = b. The feathers of the parrot = The fur of the lion = d. The scales of the fish = e. The nest of the bird = 5. Let's make animal cards! Research about a Brazilian animal, then build a card with all the information asked in the example The common name of my animal is The common name of my animal is Sorian tiger entific name is Panthera tigris tigris. mammal Its scientific name is It is a eats meet It eats is average life in the wild is 15 years. Its average life in the wild is es 3 meters Its size is can weight up to 320 kg It can weight up to 6. Have you ever heard the terms living beings and non-living things? Read the definitions to understand what these terms mean. Al living beings are born, grow reproduce and die. They obtain energy from food and use to survive They have some unique abilities being able to reproduce, to grow, to metabolize, e respond to stimuli to adapt to the environment, to move and to breathe. On the other hand a non-living thing is something that doesn't have a life but exists. They the objects clothes, minerals esc​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eliene774322


partido te mudar 2. Leia os textos. Assinale [V] as frases verdadeiras. [] Existem 20 espécies de pinguins. c. [] Após dez meses, os bebês cangurus são b. [] Os pinguins machos protegem seus ovos. maduro para le

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