Português, perguntado por ejoao1588, 8 meses atrás

Parental Expectations: What My Parents Wanted Me To Be When I Grew Up
Do your parents like your job?
It may sound like a silly question – after all, you’re the one working every day, not them – but as it turns out, your parents’
expectations of where you would end up could have had more of an impact on your eventual career path than you believed.
As much as parents really just want their kids to be happy, they also can’t help but be human and put a few expectations
on them as well. We asked different professionals from Canada for their own recollections of their parents’ expectations,
and were happily surprised to discover they covered the gamut from “be a doctor” to “piano playing will always pay the
What did your parents want you to be?
My in-laws always told my husband and his brothers to find something that they loved to do and then find a way to get
paid for doing it. Three of them have managed to take their love of computers and make careers out of it. For my sister and
I, our dad always encouraged us to find a career that we would be able to support ourselves with and never have to rely on
a man. I don’t recall any discussions on finding something that you really loved to do. : )
-Michelle Edwards-Boldt, Business Manager, Cultural Ambassador

University Degree
All my parents wanted was for me to go and finish university. In my ’s eyes that made me a “somebody”. I was the first
person in my family to do so, so anything after that was a bonus! The fact that I have a Director title gives her enough
bragging rights to last her a lifetime!
-Marieta Mendoza, Director, Human Resources

Not The Army
My parents were devastated when I joined the Army, which was made worse by the fact I had to get their signature because
I was only 17. Heartbroken but wanting to be supportive, they signed. But years later, when I got into journalism school, my
mom told me that as a youngster she’d always wanted to be a journalist but just was never able to pursue her dream. She
never shared that tidbit with me until then.
-Pablo Richard Fernandez, News Editor

Business Woman
My mother wanted me to become a lawyer or a business woman or a director of something. I played the role of a lawyer in
a play at school, which made my mother very proud, and I became a business woman quite early on, from working in a bank
to managing a team. Today I’m in sales and I think she would be very proud of me. My father always told me to do what
makes me happy, and to follow my heart. I tried to combine both of their good advice and do my very best every day.
-Maryse Huet, Account Executive

1. Associe as frases substituindo os ícones pelo nome de umas das pessoas que aparecem no texto “Parental Expectations: What my parentes wanted me to be when I grew up”. Em seguida, marque a alternativa que contém a ordem correta:
I. Michelle
II. Marieta
III. Pablo
IV. Maryse

( ) trabalha com vendas.
( ) escolheu a carreira dos sonhos de um parente.
( ) foi encorajado(a) a alcançar independência financeira.
( ) é a primeira pessoa em sua família a concluir o nível superior.

2. Sobre o texto que você leu neste período “Parental Expectations: What my parentes wanted me to be when I grew up”, classifique cada afirmação abaixo como (V) verdadeira ou (F) falsa e marque a alternativa correta:
( ) As expectativas dos pais não representam um papel importante na carreira profissional de um indivíduo.
( ) Espera-se que os pais coloquem alguma expectativa em seus filhos.
( ) Michelle e sua irmã foram aconselhadas a escolher uma carreira que elas amariam alcançar.
( ) Os pais de Pablo ficaram satisfeitos quando ele decidiu entrar para o Exército.
( ) 0 pai de Maryse não impôs uma profissão a ela.

( ) V – F – V – V – F
( ) V – V – F – V – V
( ) F – V – F – F – V
( ) F – F – V – F – V
( ) F – V – F – V – F

3. Complete as frases passando os fragmentos do discurso indireto para o discurso direto, fazendo as mudanças necessárias nas palavras *destacadas*:
Ex.: “… our dad always encouraged us to find a career that *we would* be able to support *ourselves* with ...”.
R= Our dad said: “Find a career that you will be able to support yourselves with”.
a) “My in-laws always told my husband and his brothers to find something that *they loved* to do” R= My in-laws told my husband and his brothers: "__________________".
b) “… my mom told me that as a youngster *she had wanted* to be a journalist …” R= My mom told me: "__________________".
c) “My father always told me to do what makes *me* happy, and to follow *my* heart.” R= My father told me: "__________________".

ejoao1588: 4. Complete as frases passando os fragmentos do discurso direto para o discurso indireto, fazendo as mudanças necessárias nas palavras *destacadas*.
EX.: My father said, “No matter what *happens* in life, if *you know* how to play, *you can* always teach piano.”
R= My father said that no matter what *happened* in life, if *I knew* how to play, *I could* always teach piano.
ejoao1588: 4-a) a) My mother said, “I wanted you to be a strong independent woman who could look after herself.” R = My mother said that __________________.
b) My mother said, “You were very goal-oriented at a young age and I knew you would be successful at whatever you chose to do.” R= My mother said that __________________.
c) My mother said, “When in high school I thought you might be a writer because you are so imaginative, and you write so well.”R= My mother said that __________________.
odaxl: deixa a luana saber que tu ta colando os trabalhos dela jkslshdfhsf

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Respondido por odaxl


deixa a luana saber que tu ta colando nos trabalhos dela

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