Para realizar frases negativas no passado simples, basta acrescentar a forma auxiliar did not ou a contração didn't ao verbo principal. Porém, o verbo principal não permanece conjugado no Simple Past: o verbo torna à forma original:
I) Escreve as frases na forma negativa, conforme os exemplos:
1) She accepted his proposal.
She did not accept his proposal.
2) The waiter served our meal very promptly.
The waiter did not serve our meal very promptly.
Quando se tratam de verbos regulares, para voltar à forma original, o verbo perde a terminação -ed (ou -d).
1) My brother advised me to stay in the company.
2) The boss approved the employee's carefulness.
3) The audience applauded the magician's trick with the rabbit.
4) Diana combed her hair before leaving.
5) I announced my appastment for rent last month.
6) My best friends moved to Santa Maria last year.
7) You answered all my questions.
8) Diego's mother baked a chocolate cake yesterday.
9) Charles borrowed Mark's rubber.
10) The baby burned his finger in the pudding.
11) My sister arrived from her trip very early in the morning.
12) My nephew wanted to ride my bike last weekend.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1) My brother didn't advise me to stay in company.
2) The boss didn't approve the employee's carefulness.
3) The audience didn't applause the magician's trick with the rabbit.
4) Diana didn't comb her hair before leaving.
5) I didn't announce my appastment for rent last month.
6) My best friends didn't move to Santa Maria last year.
7) You didn't answer all my questions.
8) Diego's mother didn't bake a chocolate cake yesterday.
9) Charles didn't borrow Mark's rubber.
10) The baby didn't burn his finger in the pudding.
11) My sister didn't arrive from her trip very early in the morning.
12) My nephew didn't want to ride my bike last weekend.
Espero ter ajudado (◠‿◕) ✧
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