We hear a list of problems affecting the environment almost every day: pollution, acid rain, global warming, the destruction of rain forests, the extinction of thousands of animals and plants, and so on. Nowadays, most of us know that these problems exist and that humans have caused trem.We are very worried about the future of our planet and unless we can find a solution for the problems we have already created, the environment will suffer even more
QUESTAo 01 Escreva T True) para verdadeiro e F(False) para Falso de acordo com o TEXTo
15.( ) o artigo nao é sobre o meio ambiente.
16. ( ) maioria das pessoas sabem que este problema existe
17. ( )Cada um de nos pode fazer alguma coisa para ajudar os perigos causados ao meio ambiente
. 18. ( )Nos nao estamos preocupados com o futuro do nosso planeta
19. ( )Ha uma lista de problemas afetando nosso meio ambiente
(A) F F T T F
(B) T T T T F
(C) F T T T T
(D) F F F T F
(E) F T T F T
20- As palavras"environment e"global warming" pode ser traduzidas corretamente por,
(A) aquecimento global e chuva
(B) meio ambiente e aquecimento m global
(C) aquecimento global e meio ambiente
(D) sofrimento e planeta
(E) preocupacao e problema
21- Assinale a alternativa correta
Is there________________solution for our problem?
(A) no
(B) none
(C) any
(D) some
(E) nothing
Choose the correct alternative.
22- Yesterday Mike woke up early_______your teeth (brushes- brushed)
23 Today I didn't__________many things to do. (have-had)
24- I __________a lot and have a lunch at 11:45. (works -worked)
Forme frase usando (simples past)
25- Mike/ to watch/ l a football on TV yesterday. (Affirmative Form)
26- He /to make /mistakes because he paid attention (Negative form)
27- You/ to work/ yesterday because woke up late. Int
por favor responde obrigado
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Q21-Is there a solution for our problem?
Q21-Is there a solution for our problem?
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