Os verbos abaixo são importantes para entender a letra da música Treat you Better. Tente relacioná-los a sua definição. a) deserve [ ] Have the right to something good (or bad) due to your actions and behavior b) lie [ ] Use your time doing a particular thing. c) miss [ ] When something, such as money or time, are not used in an effective or sensible way. d) seek [ ] Feel sad because you do not have something. e) spend [ ] Deliberately say something that is not true.
Soluções para a tarefa
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[ a] Have the right to something good (or bad) due to your actions and behavior
[e ] Use your time doing a particular thing.
[d ] When something, such as money or time, are not used in an effective or sensible way.
[c ] Feel sad because you do not have something
[b ] Deliberately say something that is not true.
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