Inglês, perguntado por amscredsilviolp5pk1u, 4 meses atrás

Organize as palavras e escreva as frases.
a) little - wants - she - salt - a - in - food - her
b) cupcakes - grandmother - my - made - few - a.
c) aren't - they - going - by - to - many - clothes. *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por flavialarissa1576


A) She wants a little salt in her food

B) My grandmother made a few cupcakes

c) they aren't going to by many clothes.

amscredsilviolp5pk1u: vlwwwwwww
Respondido por Nayaragh


a) She wants a little salt in her food;

b) My grandmother made a few cupcakes;

c) They aren't going to buy many clothes.


Acredito que na letra C, ao invés de by seria o verbo buy que significa comprar.

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