Inglês, perguntado por elenicenascimento17, 2 meses atrás

Ordene as palavras e escreva as frases.
a) isn't - my - tall - dad - very.
b) children - sad - the - aren't.
c) isn't - my-hungry-friend - now.
and - the - the - tired - students - tired - teacher.
e) dog - your-pretty-is-?
f) the - home-are-girls-at-?
g) strong - and - Peter - are - boys - Paul - ?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Unscramble

a) My dad isn't very tall.

b) The children aren't sad.

c) My friend isn't hungry now.

d) The teacher and the students are very tired.

e) Is your dog pretty?

f) Are the girls at home?

g) Are Peter and Paul strong boys?

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