Inglês, perguntado por lidianysouza14, 9 meses atrás

The words in the first column were taken from the text on pages 49 and 50. In
your notebook, match them to the adjectives in the second column that have
opposite meanings
a) suitable
1) absent
b) best
2) dead
c) public
3) worse
d) profitable
4) dumb
e) well-trained
5) worst
f) present
6) worthless
g) foreign
7) inappropriate
h) living
8) private
i) smart
9) poorly-trained
j) better
10) known; native​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


a. suitable - innapropriate

b. best - worse

c. public - private

d. profitable - worthless

e. well-trained - poorly-trained

f. present - absent

g. foreign - known - native

h. living - dead

i. smart - dumb

j. better - worst


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