Inglês, perguntado por seabrasilamelhordaba, 1 ano atrás

One of the best-known names in English literature is Geoffrey Chaucer. He saw himself as the first great poet of the nation and the language, and he remains the reference point which other writers have used through the centuries. Chaucer was influenced by many kinds of writing, and used many European models. Carter, R. McRae, J. The Penguin guide to English literature: Britain and Ireland. England: Penguin Books, 1996. According to our studies, consider the following statements. I. Troilus and Criseyde is Chaucer’s best-known work, and the first major work in English literature. II. The Canterbury Tales describes many aspects of the medieval age, both secular and religious. III. Chaucer’s best-known work uses the aesthetic of a story composed by several stories. IV. The characters in The Canterbury Tales portray only people belonging to high society. It is correct what is stated on:

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Respondido por makmorales

I. Falso. O trabalho mais conhecido do autor é The Canterbury Tales.

II. Verdadeiro. The Canterbury Tales, os contos da Cantuária descrevem muitos aspecos da idade medieval, o secularismo e a religião.

III. Verdadeiro. O mais reconhecido trabalho de Chaucer usa uma estética e uma história composta por várias outras histórias, isto é, contos; tales.

IV. Falo. Os personagens dos Contos da Cantuária são de todas as classes sociais, não limitando-se à nobreza.

Apenas II e III.

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