Inglês, perguntado por thiago89947, 4 meses atrás

One day I will go to Brazil. I will visit the North and the South. I will eat typical food, like "feijoada" and "acarajé". I will talk to the people. I will make new friends. I will dance Brazilian music, like "Samba" and "Axé". Yesterday I watched a programme on TV about Brazil. It is a beautiful place, I will love this country located in South America. I will see wonderful beaches and I will learn Portuguese.

Transforme as frases do texto que contém o verbo Will para a forma negativa.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Bebelebent
One day I don’t will go to Brazil. I don’t will visit the North and the South. I don’t will eat typical food, like "feijoada" and "acarajé". I don’t will talk to the people. I don’t wiil make new friends. I don’t will dance Brazilian music, like "Samba" and "Axé". Yesterday I watched a programme on TV about Brazil. It is a beautiful place, I don’t will love this country located in South America. I don’t will see wonderful beaches and I will learn Portuguese.

Transforme as frases do texto que contém o verbo Will para a forma negativa.

Bebelebent: Eu só coloquei o don’t!

Não vou fazer/ não vou
thiago89947: obgd
BomDiaBB: -.-'
Respondido por BomDiaBB


I won't go to Brazil one day.

I won't visit the north and the South.

I won't eat typical food, like "feijoada" and "acarajé".

I won't talk to the people.

I won't make new friends.

I won't dance Brazilian music, like "Samba" and "Axé".

Yesterday I whatched a programme on TV about Brazil. ( Não tem will, então não precisa copiar diferente)

It is a beautiful place, I won1t love this country located in South America.

I won't see wonderful beaches and I won't learn Portuguese.


Will (negativo) = will not e/ou (em sua versão abreviada) won't

não me aprofundei muito, então imagino que seja isso.

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