Inglês, perguntado por ferreiraguilhermeegu, 1 ano atrás

On October 31, Americans celebrate Halloween.
Halloween means “holy” (hallow) “evening” (een). This is the evening before the Christian holy day of All Saints Day. On All Saints Day, Christians remember the Saints but Halloween is even older than Christianity.
Before Christianity, people in Europe believed that on October 31 ghosts of dead people came back. To scare the ghosts, people dressed like devils and were very noisy. They also made big fires to keep the ghosts away. Later, people did not believe in ghosts, but they kept the day of Halloween for fun.
Immigrants came from Europe to America and brought with them the custom of Halloween. Halloween has some strange symbols. One symbol is the jack-o’-lantern in the window. The jack-o’-lantern is to scare the ghosts.
People cut the pumpkin, throw away all of the inside, and cut a face in it. Then they put a candle inside of it.
Jack-o’-lantern usually look scary, too!
Today, in the United States, Halloween is very popular with the children. They wear masks and special costumes. They want to look like skeletons and ghosts. Then they go from house to house and say "Trick or treat!". People give them candies, cookies or fruit. When people give nothing, the children sometimes play tricks on them.

According to the text above answer: Write T (true) or F (false) .
1. On October 31, Americans celebrate Christianity. ( )
2. In the past people made fires to keep the ghosts away. (
3. Halloween came from Europe. ( )
4. The jack-o’-lantern is a kind of special pumpkin to eat. (
5. On Halloween children wear special masks and costumes because
they want to look like skeletons and ghosts. ( )
6. Children go from party to party and collect masks. ( ) 7. On Halloween children say: “Trick or fun”. ( )
) )

Answer the questions.
1. When do people celebrate Halloween ?
2. Why did people dress like devils ?
3. Why did people keep the day of Halloween ?
4. What do people put inside the pumpkin with the cutting face ?
5. Where do they put the jack-o’-lantern ?
6. Why do they use the lantern ?
7. What do people give the children when they go from house to house ?

Alguém por favor !!!!!!!!!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por verexna

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. F

7. F

1. October 31

2. To scare the ghosts

3. For fun

4. Candle

5. Window

6. To scare the ghosts

7. Candies, cookies or fruits

oneidanutri: valeu
glecianecarvalhoramo: valeu
Respondido por reuabg

Para as afirmações, temos a seguinte sequência de preenchimento:

  • On October 31, Americans celebrate Christianity is FALSE, because in october 31 they celebrate Halloween, and in the next day (November 1st) they celebrate the day of All Saints.

  • In the past people made fires to keep the ghosts away is TRUE, because their ancestors in Europe did this a way to keep safe in this night.

  • Halloween came from Europe is TRUE, because it's believed that the Halloween was born with the Celts more than 3000 years ago.

  • The jack-o’-lantern is a kind of special pumpkin to eat is FALSE, because this lantern is only an symbol made to scary people.

  • On Halloween children wear special masks and costumes because they want to look like skeletons and ghosts is TRUE, because the children go to the streets dressed as ghosts and all sorts of costumes to ask tricks or treats.

  • Children go from party to party and collect masks is FALSE, because they go from house to house and ask for candies, cookies or fruits.

  • On Halloween children say: “Trick or fun” is FALSE, because they go in every house of the streets and ask for tricks (which are played in the house owner's) or treats (like candies, and all kind of sweets).

Assim, a sequência correta é F - V - V - F - V - F - F.

Para a questão 1, temos que o Halloween é uma data comemorada todos os anos no dia 31 de Outubro, e que seu significado remete ao Dia de Todos os Santos, que é comemorado sempre no dia seguinte, em 1° de Novembro.

Esse Dia de Todos os Santos foi uma data comemorada, inicialmente, por povos pagãos da Europa, em homenagem aos seus santos. Com isso, no dia de Halloween, era feita uma celebração para se proteger dos mortos, pois se acreditava que nesse dia eles iriam se apoderar dos corpos dos vivos.

For the question 2, it is said in the text that old people from Europe (it is believed that the tradition was born with the Celts 3000 years ago) used to celebrate the end of Summer and the Day of All Saints in November 1st.

The day before, October 31, was the day of the deads, when the dead people would return to get the bodies of the living people. So, the living people would dress like them to scare and get rid of the evil in that night.

Para a questão 3, podemos dizer que o Halloween é uma comemoração tradicional dos Estados Unidos, sendo trazida por imigrantes irlandeses no século XIX (século 19).

Por ser uma data comemorativa e tradicional, envolve muitas pessoas no país, que se mobiilizam para proporcionar às crianças e jovens uma boa experiência. Os adultos decoram suas casas com uma temática tradicional, cheia de monstros como caveiras, múmias, vampiros, utilizados para assustar e divertir as crianças.

For the question 4, inside the pumpkin (which is a big orange round fruit, that can weigh about 8kg) they put a candle to light the holes of the face that they have cut in it.

It was done, historically, due to the irish myth of Jack, The Miserable, who tricked the devil not once but twice. When he died, the devil kept him in the earth, wandering with only a candle to enlighten his path. Then, Jack put this candle inside an pumpkin.

Para a questão 5, as pessoas colocam as lanternas de abóbora nos seus quintais e varandas na noite de Halloween para assustar as crianças, para simular a história de Jack, O Miserável, que vagava na terra assustando os mortais.

Nos EUA, inclusive, existem competições tradicionais e históricas que avaliam as melhores esculturas de abóbora, premiando, por exemplo, as maiores e mais assustadoras delas.

For the question 6, the Jack-o'-lanterns are used to scary the children and all the people who come to ask for tricks-or-treats. Also, historically, they were used as a representation of the spirits that were around in that night.

These lanterns were put in windows and gardens for two reasons: one was to frighten the Halloween participants, the other was to keep the harmful spirits away from the houses.

Para a questão 7, os proprietários das casas estão preparados para duas situações quando as crianças chegam às casas: doces ou travessuras.

As crianças perguntam tricks-or-treats aos donos das casas, que podemos traduzir como doces ou travessuras. Assim, os donos da casa, caso respondam doces, irão dar às crianças doces como chocolates, balas, cookies e frutas. Caso escolham travessuras, farão pegadinhas e brincadeiras com as crianças.

Para aprender mais sobre o Halloween, acesse,,,,,,,

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