Inglês, perguntado por BrunoHen123, 1 ano atrás

On December26, 2004, the world wondered at the images of the biggest and most devastating natural disasters in recenty memory. A violent earthquake in the Indian Ocean of a magnitude of 9 on a scale of 1 to 12, initiated several tsunamis and hit Indonesia, Srilanka, India and Thailand, killing more than two hundred thousand people. But what kind of phenomenon is this? A Tsunami is a chain of vast moving waves caused by sudden trauma in the ocean. They can be generated earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. These destructive waves can move across the ocean as fast as a jet airplane -about 600 miles per hour ( 960km/h). In deep waters the waves are a few feet high, but when they reach the shallow coasts, they can be over 50 feet ( 15 meters) high and devastate whole villages. Unfortunately we can't stop them, but we can use a Tsunami System to warn people of an imminent tsunami up to a few hours before it hits the coast. wondered= admirou earthquake= terremoto chain of vast moving =cadeia de grande movimento waves=ondas by sudden=pelo subito warn= advertir to hit=bater unfortunately= infelizmente Choose the correct alternative according to the text: 1- What is the article about? a) advertising b) fashion c) a natural disaster d) economy e) a storm 2- How many lives were taken on this tragic day? a) over 200.000 people b) fewer than 200.000 people c) over 100.000 people d) over two thousand people e) over 20 thousand 3- Where did it take place? a) in South America b) In Europe c) In Asia d) in the USA e) in Africa 4- According to the text: a) the article is about a mild tsunami b) the disaster was awful c) the december 26. 2004 tsunami not clain many lives d) the article is about only a earthquake e) the articvle is about a storm 5- Nowadays there is a system to warn people about a tsunami: a) a few hours before b) a week before

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por bc173431



1- ALTERNATIVA C                                                                                                                                      





Respondido por anaclaudialara

Lendo texto, temos:

  1. O article é sobre C) a natural disaster.
  2. A quantidade de vidas perdidas no dia trágico foi: a) over 200.000 people.
  3. Esse desastre ocorreu na: C) In Asia.
  4. Segundo o texto: B) the disaster was awful.
  5. O sistema de alerta de tsunamis avisa as pessoas: A) a few hours before.

Interpretação de texto

O texto fala sobre um grande desastre natural que ocorreu na Ásia e atingiu mais especificamente a Indonésia, o Srilanka, a Índia e a Tailândia, matando mais de 200 mil pessoas. Essa tragédia foi causada por um grande terremoto, que gerou inúmeros tsunamis (ondas gigantes) que varreram as costas desses países.

Agora, vamos às questões:

  1. O artigo fala sobre: desastre natural. Trecho: ... the biggest and most devastating natural disasters...
  2. A quantidade de vidas perdidas foi: mais de 200 mil pessoas. Trecho: ...more than two hundred thousand people.
  3. O continente atingido pelo desastre foi: A Ásia. Trecho: ...initiated several tsunamis and hit Indonesia, Srilanka, India and Thailand... (países que ficam na Ásia).
  4. O que o texto deixa claro é: que o desastre foi horrível. Trecho: most devastating natural disasters in recenty memory.
  5. O sistema avisa as pessoas: algumas horas antes. Trecho: ...a few hours before it hits the coast.

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