Inglês, perguntado por jujubs69, 9 meses atrás

On a Sunday Afternoon

Hello everybody !
Look at this nice picture. Here is one of the moments I prefer when we are all together on a nice Sunday afternoon! But let me introduce myself! I am Bob, I am standing in front of my father who is reading the newspaper. See Mom, she’s listening to her favourite songs on the radio. My two sisters Rose and Sally are playing with their dolls. My grandfather is having a nap, and Granny is drinking a cup of tea. Pussy is running after the birds as usual and my cousins are doing some activities, Ken is watering Mom’s flowers and Mike is cleaning the windows! Can you imagine that on a Sunday afternoon!! Poor old Dummy! Anyway I ‘m really fond of those privileged moments.

A. Diga se a frase está CORRETA ou ERRADA dentro dos parênteses. Corrija as erradas.

1. The scene takes place in the living room. ( )
2. We can see Bob’s family. ( )
3. There are ten people on the picture. ( )
4. Steve, Bob’s father is reading a magazine. ( )
5. The dog is running after the cat. ( )
6. Rose and Sally are playing hide and seek. ( )
7. Kate is listening to the radio. ( )
8. Mike is having a nap in a hammock. ( )
9. Granny is eating some biscuits. ( )
10. The weather is nice on this Saturday afternoon. ( )
11. David is gardening. ( )

B. complete as frases abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses no Present Continuous.

12) We ______________________ (ride) our bikes.
13. My brother ________________ (wear) a yellow T-shirt and jeans.
14) My mother _________________ (pour) a bucket of cold water over me!
15) John and Ann __________________ (sit) on a rock.
16The ducks are ____________________ (swim) on the lake.
17) My dog ________________________ (jump) up!
18) I ________________________ (eat) a delicious ice cream.
19) My friend ___________________ (climb) a tree.
20) The girls _______________________ (play) volleyball.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Luizfelipeandra

A) 1 - Correta. Provavelmente a cena se passa dentro de uma sala (living room) pois o pai está sentado numa cadeira lendo jornal, a mãe ouvindo música no rádio e os primos limpando a janela.

2 - Correta. O texto descrever uma cena da família de Bob.

3 - Correta. Bob, Father, Mom, Grandfather, Granny, Rose, Sally, Pussy, Ken e Mike, são 10 pessoas.

4 - Errado. Bob's father is reading a newspaper.

5 - Errado. The dog is running after birds.

6 - Errado. Rose and Sally are playing their dolls.

7 - Errado. Bob's mom is listening to the radio.

8 - Errado. Grandgather is having a nap.

9 - Errado. Granny is drinking tea.

10 - Correto. Ele diz que está um lindo Domingo (Sunday).

11 - Errado. Ken is gardening.

As frases completa no tempo verbal Present Continuous corretamente são:

12) We are riding our bikes.

13. My brother is wearing a yellow T-shirt and jeans.

14) My mother is pouring a bucket of cold water over me!

15) John and Ann are sitting on a rock.

16The ducks are swimming on the lake.

17) My dog is jumping up!

18) I am eating a delicious ice cream.

19) My friend is climbing a tree.

20) The girls are playing volleyball.

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