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Obs: De Português -Para :Inglês...Quem colaborar irá me ajudar muito ;) !!
O cinema faz parte das maiores potências do
entretenimento atualmente, e os filmes nacionais vêm se tornando cada vez mais
apreciados tanto no Brasil, o quanto
no exterior. A publicidade contribui com esse avanço, com o intuito de usar o
cinema como um canal de divulgação de produtos e serviços, e vem investindo
cada vez mais nas produções nacionais através do merchandising. Há várias
formas de transmitir uma mensagem, no entanto, deve-se estar atento as novas
tecnologias e inovações criativas sempre em busca de dominar a atenção do
consumidor. O objetivo é analisar o crescimento
do merchandising no cinema nacional desde seu surgimento até os dias atuais. Para
analisarmos os resultados, fez-se uma pesquisa na Agencia Nacional de Cinema
(ANCINE) e com base na entrevista com o público, nota-se que a presença do
merchandising no cinema brasileiro continua aumentando significativamente, que
segundo os resultados, o cinema nacional teve um significativo aumento de
público e renda. A bilheteria ficou entre as três melhores dos dez últimos
anos, em números absolutos. Partindo desse princípio, é possível afirmar a
importância de se desenvolver um estudo com esse tema, e através da analise de
filmes nacionais, entender como a publicidade usa o cinema na divulgação de um
produto ou serviço, quais são as técnicas e estratégias utilizadas para o
sucesso do merchandising, que vem se tornando cada vez mais relevante, tanto
para a publicidade, quanto para o cinema.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
The film is part of the major powers of the currently entertainment, and domestic films are becoming increasingly much appreciated in Brazil, as abroad. Advertising contributes to this advancement, in order to use the cinema as a channel for promoting products and services, and is investing increasingly in national productions through merchandising. there are several ways to convey a message, however, you should be aware of the new technology and creative innovations always looking to dominate the attention of consumer. The objective is to analyze the growth merchandising in national cinema since its inception to the present day. to Analyzing the results, we did a search on the National Cinema Agency (ANCINE) and based on the interview with the public, it is noted that the presence of merchandising in Brazilian cinema continues to increase significantly, which according to the results, the national cinema had a significant increase in audience and income. The box office was among the top three of the last ten years, in absolute numbers. Based on this principle, it is possible to assert importance of developing a study of this subject, and through the analysis of national films, to understand how advertising uses cinema in the disclosure of a product or service, what are the techniques and strategies used to success of merchandising, which is becoming increasingly important, both for advertising, and for the cinema.
Bom dia Carla , muito obrigada pela força !!! ;)
Respondido por
Cinema is one of the major powers of the
entertainment, and national films have become increasingly popular.
appreciated both in Brazil and in
abroad. Advertising contributes to this advance, in order to use the
cinema as a channel for disseminating products and services, and has been investing
increasingly in national productions through merchandising. There are several
ways to convey a message, however, one should be aware of the new
technologies and creative innovations always seeking to dominate the attention of the
consumer. The objective is to analyze the
of the merchandising in the national cinema from its emergence to the present day. For
analyzing the results, a survey was made at the National Film Agency
(ANCINE) and based on the interview with the public, it is noted that the presence of the
merchandising in Brazilian cinema continues to increase significantly, which
According to the results, the national cinema had a significant increase of
public and income. The box office was among the top three in the last ten
years, in absolute numbers. On the basis of this principle, it is
importance of developing a study with this theme, and through the analysis of
national films, understand how advertising uses the cinema in the dissemination of a
product or service, what are the techniques and strategies used for the
success of merchandising, which has become increasingly relevant both
for the publicity, as for the cinema.
entertainment, and national films have become increasingly popular.
appreciated both in Brazil and in
abroad. Advertising contributes to this advance, in order to use the
cinema as a channel for disseminating products and services, and has been investing
increasingly in national productions through merchandising. There are several
ways to convey a message, however, one should be aware of the new
technologies and creative innovations always seeking to dominate the attention of the
consumer. The objective is to analyze the
of the merchandising in the national cinema from its emergence to the present day. For
analyzing the results, a survey was made at the National Film Agency
(ANCINE) and based on the interview with the public, it is noted that the presence of the
merchandising in Brazilian cinema continues to increase significantly, which
According to the results, the national cinema had a significant increase of
public and income. The box office was among the top three in the last ten
years, in absolute numbers. On the basis of this principle, it is
importance of developing a study with this theme, and through the analysis of
national films, understand how advertising uses the cinema in the dissemination of a
product or service, what are the techniques and strategies used for the
success of merchandising, which has become increasingly relevant both
for the publicity, as for the cinema.
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