Inglês, perguntado por AnnaLuiyzaah, 8 meses atrás

Olá, boa noite, poderiam me ajudar nesta atividade?!
preciso para amanhã!!!

c) Change to question form:

1- A telephone is different from a fax
2 - This flat is small
3 - You are frow new Zealand.
4 - These words are different in American English.
5 - This cab is old and slow

d) Add the verb to be in negative form:

1 - These languages ____ difficult.
2 - Portuguese ____ the official language in Europe.
3 - I ____ on vocation
4 - The candus ____ in the stove.

e) Use the simple past of to be to complete the dialogs:

1 - - Where ____ you two years ago?
- I ____ in Washington D.C.
2 - - ____ your grand parents rich when they come to Brazil?
- Yes, but they ____ not happy because their family stayed in Europe.
3 - - Who your first boy friend?
- His name ____ Mark. He and I ____ sixteen years old:
- ____ he your classmate?
- Not, he _____. He ____ of my cousin's friend .

F) translate every exercise E)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Nelson2012


Question form

1) Is a telephone different from a fax?

2) Is this flat small?

3) Are you from New Zealand?

4) Are these words different in American English?

5) Is this cab old and slow?

Negative form

1) These languages aren't difficult.

2)Portuguese isn't the official language in Europe.

3) I'm not on vacation.

4) The candus (?) aren't in the stove.

Simple past

1) Where were you two years ago?

- I was in Washington D.C.

2) Were your grand parents rich when they came to Brazil?

- Yes, but they were not happy because their family stayed in Europe.

3) Who was your first boyfriend?

- His name was Mark. He and I were sixteen years old.

- Was he your classmate?

-No, he wasn't. He was my cousin's friend.


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