oie help me in a task thank you
Atividade 1 - Dê respostas curtas para as frases abaixo.
1- Can they do a favor to me? RCA
RCA= Yes, They can. RCN= No, they can not.
2- Can the student go to school on foot? RCA
3- Can you give me a ring? RCN
4- Can João clean his shoes? RCA
5- Can you come at my house? RCN
Atividade 2- Reescreva as frases abaixo na forma negativa por extenso.
1- She can’t keep your secret.
She can not keep your secret.
2- He can’t walk alone at night.
3- She can’t smoke here.
4- He can't stay here anymore.
Atividade 3 - Complete e traduza as frases:
1- They __can see _birds. (to see)
Eles podem ver os pássaros.
2- You ______________ me.( to hear)
3- He ________________ you. ( to help)
4- Allana ______________ aloud. ( to speak)
Atividade 4 - Reescreva as frases nas formas solicitadas ao lado.
1- Can we write a poem? (affirmative)
We can write a poem.
2- Can you dance jazz? (negative)
3 - Can she swim? (affirmative)
4- Can he talk to you now? (negative)
5- Can they sing the music?
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ ⇒Verb ''can''
Atividade 1 - Dê respostas curtas para as frases abaixo
1- Can they do a favor to me? RCA
Yes, they can.
2- Can the student go to school on foot? RCA
Yes, he can.
3- Can you give me a ring? RCN
No, I can not.
4- Can João clean his shoes? RCA
Yes, he can.
5- Can you come at my house? RCN
No, I can not.
Atividade 2- Reescreva as frases abaixo na forma negativa por extenso.
1- She can not keep your secret.
2- He can not walk alone at night.
3- She can not smoke here.
4- He can not stay here anymore.
Atividade 3 - Complete e traduza as frases:
1- They can see birds. (to see)
Eles podem ver os pássaros.
2- You can hear me.( to hear)
Você pode me ouvir.
3- He can help you. ( to help)
Ele pode te ajudar.
4- Allana can speak loud. ( to speak)
Allana pode falar alto.
Atividade 4 - Reescreva as frases nas formas solicitadas ao lado.
1- Can we write a poem? (affirmative)
We can write a poem.
2- Can you dance jazz? (negative)
Can't you dance jazz?
You can't dance jazz.
3 - Can she swim? (affirmative)
She can swim.
4- Can he talk to you now? (negative)
Can't he talk to you now?
He can't talk to you now.
5- Can they sing the music? (faltou especificar se é affirm. ou neg.)
They can sing the music. (affirmative)
Can't they sing the music? (negative)
➡️ Can >>> verbo usado para indicar que alguém tem ''habilidade'', ''capacidade'' para fazer algo
→→ Affirmative >> can + verbo
The kids can play soccer on the weekends.
David can drive a motorcycle.
I can ride a bike .
→→ Negative >> can + not + verbo (can not = can't or cannot)
I cannot speak Greek.
They can't visit their grandparents.
The kids cannot play golf.
→→ Interrogative >> can + sujeito + verbo
Can you do me a favor?
Can Susan dance ballet?
Can you play the piano?
Learn more
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25456742
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25251903