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Soluções para a tarefa
l - How tornados and hurricanes are alike
A. they are both spiraling windstorms called cyclones.
B. both can harm animals, people and objects.
ll - A. They develop differently
1. A tornado often develop during thunderstorms in spring or early summer.
2. A hurricane develop in warm ocean water from summer to early fall.
B. They are different sizes
1. A tornado can be under a 1,600 feet wide, or a mile wide.
C. What are they?
2. A hurricane is a large, spinning storm with a calm eye at its center.
D. They last different lengths of time
1. A tornado last for only a few minutes.
2. A hurricane can last for days or weeks.
E. They have different damaging elements
1. A tornado is like a vacuum that can pick up people, animals and objects.
2. A hurricane has an eye surrounded by strong winds and heavy rains, that can harm people, animals and objects.