Oi gente, será que alguém poderia me ajudar???

Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Oii! Pelo oque eu entendi, você precisa formular uma conversa apartir da imagem! Então vou fazer para você.
Segunda imagem:
-Hi! Do you need a help?
-Oh, yes please.
-What exactly do you need?
-Uh, I need you to hold this tool.
Terceira imagem:
-Hi boss! You had called me, right?
-Yes. Well, I read your report and I want to say that I really enjoyed it. But I think you should put some information about the image. Is everything OK?
-Oh, sorry boss. But it's OK. I will put the information. Uh, and you have to tell me another thing?
-No! It's only this. Have a good day!
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