Inglês, perguntado por JulianoShepardGrey, 8 meses atrás

OBJETIVOS: Verificar a compreensão e uso do Simple Past and
Past Perfect.
Complete the following true story by using the Simple Past or the
Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets.Don’t forget to use the past
participle and the auxiliary verb to have in the Past Perfect.

One day in 1940, at Lascaux in south-west France, a teenage French boy,
who was out for a walk with three friends, carefully ( ) (to go) down a
hole in the woods. His dog( ) (to fall) down the hole and he ( ) (to
want) to rescue it.
After a long slide, he ( ) (to reach) the dog - and a large cave. But as he
only ( ) (to have) a box of matches with him, he ( ) (not/ to realize)
that he ( )(to find) one of the most remarkable caves in Europe.
Next day, however, the four friends ( ) (to return) with a lamp, and they ( )
(to be) excited to see large animal paintings on the walls and roof of
the cave. They( ) (to see) horses, bison and other animals which ( )
(once/to wander) wild around this part of Europe. However,
they still ( ) (not/ to know) that they (to discover) pictures
that prehistoric men ( )(to paint) more than 16,000 years before.
Other people, however, soon ( ) (to realize) the importance of the
discovery, and when the news ( ) (to spread), the public ( ) (to hurry)
to see the paintings for themselves. And they did so in increasing numbers
until, on 20 April 1963, the cave ( ) (to be) closed.
Unfortunately, in only twenty-three years, the dampness from the breath of
so many visitors ( ) (seriously/ to damage) the paintings which

( )(to survive) in secret for 16,000 years.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Mikeli2705
Vlw boa jaksjsnahiw skksks

Mikeli2705: Foi mal foi minha irmã
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