o verbo to Be no passado, Was - Were na afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, com explicação e exemplos.
Soluções para a tarefa
Mary was my dentist.
The girls were at the museum.
Mary wasn’t (was not) my dentist.
The girls weren’t (were not) at the museum.
Was Mary my dentist?
Were the girls at the museum?
Was e were são as flexões do verbo to be no passado.
A flexão was é usada com os pronomes I (eu), he (ele), she (ela), it (utilizado para fazer referência a pessoas, animais, lugares e/ou objetos).
Já a flexão were é usada com os pronomes you (você), we (nós), you (vocês) e they (eles/elas).
Diferentemente do que acontece com grande parte dos verbos, para formarmos o passado do verbo to be, não aplicamos a regra do acrescento de -ed.
Isso acontece pois o verbo to be é um verbo irregular, ou seja, sua flexão é completamente diferente de sua forma original no infinitivo.
Assim como acontece com o verbo to be no presente, o significado destas formas verbais está relacionado com os verbos “ser” e “estar”. O que indicará o sentido de cada utilização será o contexto da frase.
Para formar a negativa, basta acrescentarmos not após o verbo (Mary was not my dentist).
A forma negativa também pode ser expressa através da forma contraída, onde a flexão verbal was/were é unida ao advérbio de negação not (Mary wasn’t my dentist).
Para a construção da forma interrogativa, a flexão verbal was/were deve ser posicionada antes do sujeito (Was Mary my dentist?).
Mais exemplos:
- Mary was at home last afternoon.
- You and I were tired after job.
- John was crazy about racing cars.
- Last Sunday, they were in Boston.
- He wasn’t angry with what he saw on TV.
- They weren’t sad with the results.
- She wasn’t very well when she spoke to me yesterday.
- You weren’t in the shopping mall last night.
- Was she at hospital when I called her?
- Weren’t they waiting for you in the book store?
- Was it raining in Miami last Monday?
- Were you in the bathroom when your aunt called you?