Matemática, perguntado por LucasGabranth, 7 meses atrás

O que é polinomio? cite exemplos

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por JuniorSousaa


Explicação passo a passo:

Um polinômio nada mais é que a soma algébrica de monômios, ou seja, são mais monômios separados por adição ou subtração entre si. Exemplos: ax² + by + 3. 5c³d – 4ab + 3c²

Stressing out every day on tiny matters won’t get you out of a rut. Pencil in the activities that are engaging and could get you into the flow state. Trust me; stress won’t let you sail through; instead, it will lead away your health by creating headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, etc. Activities like journaling, grounding, meditating, dancing, singing, painting, getting a massage, listening to music, going on a walk, getting into nature, playing with your dog, etc., can quickly destress you. Choose any one or pick a few among them with which you get most aligned with. Watch how easily you will turn away your stress and get solutions to everything. So the question is What are you going to do to get rid of stress today?

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