O Presente Contínuo deve ser usado para expressar uma situação que está em progresso, ou seja, uma ação que ainda está acontecendo. Nosso “ando”, “endo” e “indo” dos verbos em português devem ser trocados em inglês por “ing”.
Estrutura da oração: Sujeito + verbo to be (am, is, are) + verbo com “ing” + complemento
Exs: She is studying English now. (Ela está estudando inglês agora).
Bob is talking to his mother. (Bob está conversando com a mãe dele).
Forma Negativa: acrescenta o “not” após o verbo “be” (am, is are)
Exs: He is not playing the electric guitar at this moment. (Ele não está tocando guitarra neste momento).
She is not listening to music. (Ela não está ouvindo música).
Forma Interrogativa: coloca-se o verbo “be” no início da frase:
Exs: Is Mariane talking to Bob? (Mariane está conversando com o Bob?)
Are they watching the soap opera? (Elas estão assistindo a novela?)
Pay Attention! → Regras:
1 - Quando o verbo principal termina em “e” , sendo precedido de consoante, retira-se a vogal e acrescenta-se o –ing.
Exs: To dance (dançar) - dancing
To take (pegar, tomar) - taking
To make (fazer) - making
Exceção: verbo to be - being
2 - Quando o verbo termina com –ie, troca-se essa terminação por –y e acrescenta-se –ing.
Exs: Die (morrer) – dying
Lie (mentir) – lying
3 - Quando o verbo é monossílabo ou dissílabo e termina em consoante+vogal+consoante (CVC), duplica-se a última consoante.
Exs: To swim (nadar) – swimming To sit (sentar) – sitting
To run (correr) – running
Exceção 1: quando a última consoante é w ou x, ela não é dobrada.
Exs: To snow (nevar) – snowing
To fix (consertar) – fixing
Exceção 2: se a sílaba tônica for a primeira, não se dobra a letra final. Só acrescenta-se o –ing.
Exs: open (abrir) – opening
happen (acontecer) – happening
1 - Write the verbs in the Present Continuous:
John ___is playing_____ football at the moment. (play)
They ___________________ breakfast. (have)
I ______________________ lemonade. (drink)
It ______________________ at the moment. (rain)
You ____________________ in my chair. (sit)
He _____________________ to music. (listen)
My sister ________________ her homework. (do)
Her children _____________ dinner. (make)
John and I _______________ English. (study)
Helen _________________ to Santa Catarina. (go)
2 - Write the verbs in the Negative Form of the Present Continuous:
a) She _________________tennis. (play)
b) You _____________________ to the beach. (go)
c) He _______________________ the book. (read)
d) I _______________________ to music. (listen)
e)They ______________________ shoes. (wear)
f)The dog ____________________ water. (drink)
g)Frank and Carla _____________ the chicken. (eat)
3 - Write the sentences in the Interrogative Form of the Present Continuous:
a) She is cooking the dinner.
b) They are studying for the test.
c) We are living in a small city.
d) Marcos is doing exercises every day.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1. They are having breakfast.
I am drinking lemonade.
It is raining at the moment.
You are sitting in my chair.
He is listening to music. (em listening não dobramos o “n”. Isso aconteceu porque a sílaba tônica não é a última.
My sister is doing her homework.
Her children is making dinner.
Jony and I are studying English.
Helen is going to Santa Catarina.
2. She's not play Tennis.
You are not going to the beach.
He is not reading the book.
I am not listening to music.
They are not wearing shoes.
The dog is not drinking water.
Frank and Caria are not eating the chiken.
3. Is she cooking the dinner?
Are they studying for the test?
Are we living in a small city?
Is Marcos doing exercises every day?
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