Numere, coloque os verbos que faltam. NO PASSADO SIMPLES e TRADUZA. *
Soluções para a tarefa
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We (are) hungry - we were hungry- Nós estávamos com fome.
3 Luke (is) late. - Luke was Late - Luke estava atrasado.
4-They (are) Spanish. They were Spanish- Eles eram espanhóis
5-You (are) happy. - You were happy- Você estava feliz.
6-I (am) thirsty. - I was thirsty- Eu estava com sede
7-It (is) cold. - It was cold- Isto estava frio
8-She (is) German - She was German - Ela era alemã.
9-He (is) early - He was early - Ele chegou cedo.
10-We (are) tired - We were tired- Nós estávamos cansados.
11-You (are) beautiful - You were beautiful - Você era linda/bonita.
12-I (am)hot - I was hot - Eu estava quente.
13-I (am) from London - I was from London - Eu era de Londres
14-You (are) doctor - You were doctor - Você foi médico.
15-Emily (is) my sister - Emily was my sister - Emily era minha irmã.
16-He (is) in the garden - He was in the garden - Ele estava no jardim.
17-They (are) on the bus - They were on the bus - Eles estavam no autocarro/ônibus.
18-We (are) friends - We were friends - Nós éramos amigos.
19-I (am) 25 years old - I was 25 years old - Eu tinha 25 anos.
20-Sha (is) sick - She was sick - Ela estava doente.