Inglês, perguntado por jessicabiancadasilva, 2 meses atrás

Number of speakers: 242 million In Bangladesh,a country of 161+ million people,just about everybody speaks Bengali. And because Bangladesh is virtually surrounded by India (where the population is growing so fast [...]), the number of Bengali speakers in the world is much higher than most people would expect. To say "hello" in Bengali,say "Ei Je" (EYE-jay).

3) In your notebook, complete this sentece : Something that Bangeadesh and Brasil have in common is...

Making sense

In your notebook, write the appropriatt ending for each sentence.

a. we use everbody or everyone to refer to l (all the things/ one things/all the people/one person).

b. we use something to refer to ll (all the things/one things/all the people/one person).

c. The pronoun that refers to all places is lll (nowhere/somewhere/everywhere).

d.The prefix used in questions and in negative sentences is lll ( some/ any).

e. The verb form that follows and indefinite pronoun is the third lV ( singular/ plural ).

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tupinambamessias


d.The prefix used in questions and in negative sentences is lll ( some/ any).


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