Inglês, perguntado por Oigent666, 1 ano atrás

Now,write about your daily routine.

a day in my life!

hi my name is __________this is my daily routine on weekdays

obs: quero que façam uma rotina diária em inglês, urgente,obg. ex: acordo às 9 tomo café,etc.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Marina0611


Hi my name is Nina and this is my daily routine on weekdays

I usually wake up at 10 or 11 am, have breakfast and read a little. When I'm on free time I like to watch videos on YouTube, listen to music and write. I do my homework and activities in the afternoon and at night I watch TV or play some games, I usually sleep really late, so when I can't sleep I watch something and play games

Oigent666: me ajudou bastante, obrigada
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