Now read the excerpt with some of the young people’s answers in the report. Check your predictions
and match the paragraphs to the topics you saw in activity.
Post-millennials have very different attitudes to older age groups, says a new report
So, are the kids all right?
“We have so much more to do than [just] drink and take drugs,” says Demi Babalola, a 19-year-old philosophy and
sociology student. “I’m not surprised those [statistics] show that’s the case: it makes sense. We have a lot more
to distract us now.” _________________________
“Going out takes a lot of effort: it’s boring, repetitive and expensive,” she says. “Obviously, I used to go out a lot
in my first year [at university], but now we do more kickbacks.” _________________________ [...]
“We hang out, we listen to music, make our own food, and play games,” she says. “We’ll probably organise it a
couple of days before.” _________________________
Lewis Allely, 14, from Cornwall, agrees: “We’re quite different [from your generation] because there’s more stuff to
do at each other’s houses and we have more technology – like, we have video games.” _________________________
Clara Finnigan, 22, student at the University of Arts, London, points out: “The whole anxiety of not having sta-
bility in your future is something that is definitely very present. I won’t probably ever own my own house, unless
I get really lucky.” [...]_________________________
“I don’t expect to have one full-time gig; my career won’t be defined by one job. I know I’ll have to do stuff I don’t
enjoy to be able to do passion projects that I do.” _________________________
Amelia Colthart, a 22-year-old graduate from Leicester, and Myesha Owen Munro, a 17-year-old student from
north London, both agree: “At my age, my parents and my grandparents owned their own home,” says Colthart.
“I don’t go out clubbing – I know my limits. I go to friends’ houses [for kickbacks], but I have to prioritise my ca-
reer goals because it’s a lot harder to achieve what I want.” _________________________
“We’re more inclusive,” says Babalola. “You can do what you want as long as you don’t harm anyone and stay safe.
It’s about freedom.” _________________________
Do monogamous relationships hold any appeal? “Well, I don’t know anyone who wants to get married as a life goal.
Why would you spend the whole of your life with one person?”, says Owen Munro. _________________________
“Self-care is a much bigger deal for us”, says Colthart. Generation Z-ers will, after all, be living longer and more
healthily, and looking better for it. _________________________
So what is the new going out? The Generation Z idea of fun that is inexplicable to older adults? [...] “[Commu-
nicating through social media] is kind of documenting your life, but you have an audience and you immediately
know who’s interacting. I enjoy it – it makes me feel important that 100 people are watching what I’m eating.”-------------------
Soluções para a tarefa
1 - This paragraph is about the behavior of young people towards alcohol and drugs.
2 - This paragraph is about how the new generations like to have fun, they prefer to stay at home and play games than going out clubbing.
3 - This paragraph is about how they have fun in their free time
4 - This paragraph is about how the new generations don't have the same stability as the previous one, so they cannot afford the same kind of entertainment and perspective of future.
5 - This paragraph is about the economic crisis generation Z are going to face once they reach fully adulthood, regarding employment.
6 - This paragraph is about the amount of time young people need to invest in their studies, so they can have a chance of landing a good job in the future.
7 - This paragraph is about opinions about freedom and society
8 - This paragraph is about the views on relationships.
9 - This paragraph is about the opinions on self-care and mindfulness.
10 - This paragraph is about the anxiety caused by social media exposure.
Para demonstrar a correta compreensão do texto em inglês, escrevemos:
Paragraph 1:
Behavior of young people towards alcohol and drugs.
Paragraph 2:
How the new generations like to have fun, they prefer to stay at home and play games than going out clubbing.
Paragraph 3:
How they have fun in their free time
Paragraph 4:
How the new generations don't have the same stability as the previous one, so they cannot afford the same kind of entertainment and perspective of future.
Paragraph 5:
The economic crisis generation Z are going to face once they reach fully adulthood, regarding employment.
Paragraph 6:
The amount of time young people need to invest in their studies, so they can have a chance of landing a good job in the future.
Paragraph 7:
Opinions about freedom and society
Paragraph 8:
The views on relationships.
Paragraph 9:
The opinions on self-care and mindfulness.
Paragraph 10:
The anxiety caused by social media exposure.
Compreensão de Texto em Inglês
- Para fazer a correta compreensão do texto devemos considerar primeiramente o contexto geral da história;
- Conhecer a maioria das palavras é muito importante para fazer sua tradução, mas não traduzimos o texto literalmente, analisamos o contexto que está inserido;
- Para aumentarmos nosso vocabulário, fazemos:
- Lemos muitos livros;
- Ouvimos diversas músicas;
- Assistimos diferentes séries e filmes;
- Lemos diferentes tipos de textos: artigos, reportagens, músicas, livros, etc;
- Anotamos pelo menos cinco palavras por dia;
- Utilizamos bem e bastante o dicionário;
- Formamos frases com as palavras aprendidas.
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