Inglês, perguntado por pedrohcarvalhon, 9 meses atrás

now, Mary ............. English in her room?
()are studying
()is studying
()do studying
2- He ........... attention at the lesson.
()am not paying
()aren't paynig
()isn't paying
3- .........Helen eating a cupcake?
4- John .......... a book at the library.
()am reading
()are reading
()is reading
5- He ........... sleeping on our sofa.
()am not
6- My mother is .......... at our house this week.
()be staying
7- I ......... my dinner right now.
()am eating
8- My sister .............Spanish.
()is learning
9- I ....... at the hair salon until September.
()be working
()am working
10- ........... they coming over for dinner?

Obrigado(a) a quem responder!❤

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Shrimp7

1- Now, Mary is studying English in her room.

( )are studying

(x)is studying ✓

( )do studying

2- He isn't paying attention at the lesson.

( )am not paying

( )aren't paynig

(x)isn't paying ✓

3- Is Helen eating a cupcake?

( )am

( )are

(x)is ✓

4- John is reading a book at the library.

( )am reading

( )are reading

(x)is reading ✓

5- He isn't sleeping on our sofa.

(x)isn't ✓

( )aren't

( )am not

6- My mother is staying at our house this week.

( )stay

( )be staying

(x)staying ✓

7- I am eating my dinner right now.

( )eat

( )eating

(x)am eating ✓

8- My sister is learning Spanish.

( )learn

(x)is learning ✓

( )learning

9- I am working at the hair salon until September.

( )work

( )be working

(x)am working ✓

10- Are they coming over for dinner?

( )is

(x)are ✓

( )am

⟩ Quando estamos expressando uma ação que está sendo realizada num determinado momento, deve usar o present continuous também conhecido como present progressive presente progressivo.

⟩ Este tempo verbal é conhecido pois, o final do verbo principal da oração é "ing", para entender que o "ing" como o correspondente ao gerúndio em português, "ando-endo".


  • I am eating
  • You are working
  • He is working

>> Para formar frases interrogativas colocamos o verbo be antes do sujeito;

  • Are you eating ?
  • Is he sleeping ?
  • Am I dreaming ?

>> Para formar frases negativas acrescenta-se o not após o verbo be;

  • I am not sleeping
  • We are not working
  • She is not studying

°Espero Ter Ajudado;

°Bons estudos!

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