Inglês, perguntado por ronaldojsousa, 9 meses atrás

Note the use of since,for(for)and yet (with)Present Perfect and complete the sentences in English and portuguese
B)She___________sick_________a long time.(ela______________doente________um longo tempo)(be)
C)I___________that film_________(neg).(Eu_____________aquele filme__________(see)
D)They________in our team________1985(Eles_____________em nosso time_________1985)(play)
E)They___________ ____________(negative)(Eles__________ ________)(eat)
F)Diana____________the tickets_________(neg)(Diana_________os ingressos_________)(buy)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a. has been / since

b. has been / for

c. haven't seen / yet

d. have played / since

e. haven't eaten yet

f. hasn't bought / yet

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