Inglês, perguntado por Sarah0731, 1 ano atrás

( ) No. They're at home.
8. Write negative (-) and affirmative (+) sentences in the simple past with the following words.
a) Maurice (-) study photography / (+) study self-portraits
b) Lorraine (-) like cubism/(+) impressionism
c) Judith and Marcos (-) use oil paints / (+) natural pigments
( ) Yes, he did.
( ) Yes, he lives
( ) No, they didn't
d) Beatriz (-) buy new pencils / (+) new brushes
e) Lucy and I(-) draw on paper / (+) on plastic
f) This painting (-) belong to my grandmother / (+) my aunt.
g) (-) visit the Natural History Museum / (+) the Museum of Modern Art.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por annamartinsmele



a) Maurice didn't study photografy/ He studie self-portraits.

b) Lorraine did'nt like cubism. She liked impressionism.

c) Judith and Marcos didn't use oil paints. They used natural pigments.

d) Beatriz didn't buy new pencils. She bought neew brushes.

e) Lucy and I didn't draw on peper. We draw on the plastic.

f) This painting didn't belong to my grandmother.This paintinh belonged my aunt.

g) Didn't visit the Natural History Museum. Visited the Museum of Modern Art.


Na negativa no passado usa (didn't) e na forma positiva nos colocamos - ed no verbo ou usamos sua forma regular.

Respondido por lulutaju



a) Maurice didn't study photografy/ He studie self-portraits.

b) Lorraine did'nt like cubism. She liked impressionism.

c) Judith and Marcos didn't use oil paints. They used natural pigments.

d) Beatriz didn't buy new pencils. She bought neew brushes.

e) Lucy and I didn't draw on peper. We draw on the plastic.

f) This painting didn't belong to my grandmother.This paintinh belonged my aunt.

g) Didn't visit the Natural History Museum. Visited the Museum of Modern Art.


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