Inglês, perguntado por dede10jf, 1 ano atrás

No mural abaixo, liste, em Inglês, os motivos que você tem para agradecer em sua vida.
“ I thank ...”


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por shaianesantospudim

1_ I thank God for having my family by my side giving me support, affection and inspiration.

2_I thank my friends. Whether they are far or near, whether they are recent or old, very close or more distant. They are all important to me, because they embellish my days with all the affection they show.

3_I am grateful for having great teachers who gave me knowledge during all these years of study.

4_ I thank my mother who believed in me and in my abilities.

5_ I thank God for giving me the strength to continue when I was about to give up everything.

6_I thank my grandmother for giving love and affection to all her grandchildren.

7_ I thank all the people who contributed to my success and my growth as a person.

8_ I thank you for being afraid, because a person without any fear can expose himself to extremely dangerous situations, risking his own life, without measuring the possible tragic consequences of his actions.

Respondido por LucianaDaddario


I thank for my life

I thank for my family

I thank for my friends

I thank for my health

I thank for the food

I thank for all


Confia na mãe

MenoMau: ❤❤❤
anaclarasantt: ❤️❤️❤️
Z0E: Braba!
matheusgoncalvozbi7n: Faltou duas
alexandrebheripbkv6e: Ok! pode deixar! eu confio!!
clauzi: cofio demais
raphaelamoreira27: I- I thank God for creating me.
II- I thank God for making me a Christian.
III- I thank God for keeping me up every night.
IV- I thank God for the benefit of the vocation to the Catholic Faith.
V- I thank God for giving me heaven.
VI- I thank God for giving me Jesus.
VII- I thank God for giving me my family.
VIII- I thank God for giving me the love of my life.
gleicilenekeniaa: I thank for no having contact with covid. I thank for my animals I thank for all. I thank for the food. I thank for mu Life. I thank for my Family. I thank for my friends. I thank for my health.
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