No grau superlativo, fazemos uma opção dentro de um conjunto de possibilidades. MARTINS, T. H. B.; RAMOS, S. T., M.; TOME, L. Língua Inglesa – Módulo II – Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão Empresarial (Processos Gerenciais). 2011. (Desenvolvimento de material didático ou instrucional – Ensino a Distância). Tendo em mente o que você estudou sobre o grau superlativo, assunto desta questão, e atendendo à informação entre parênteses, escolha a alternativa correta. Escolha uma:1 Jack is the worst student in the class. (good)
2 It’s the most expensive hotel in the world (superlative of inferiority)
3 What was the happiest day of your life? (nice)
4 She is probably the angriest person I know. (angry)
5 This joke is funnier than that one. (funny)
Soluções para a tarefa
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Good Morning!
Jack is the worst student in the class. (good) - False- " The worst" is bad.
2 It’s the most expensive hotel in the world (superlative of inferiority) . - False - " The most expansive " is superlative of superioty.
3 What was the happiest day of your life? (nice) - False - This sentence talk about a happy day noy a nice day.
4 She is probably the angriest person I know. (angry) - Correct - This sentece talk about The most angry person.
5 This joke is funnier than that one. (funny) - False - False, its a comparsion sentence.
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