Inglês, perguntado por limaartz, 9 meses atrás

Neste exercício, você vai ler uma piada. Use o glossário para auxiliá-lo (a) durante a

leitura. Lembre-se de que você já conhece várias palavras, e que algumas são de fácil

entendimento pois se parecem com o português. Outra estratégia de leitura que você

pode usar para auxiliá-lo (a), é ler as perguntas das atividades de compreensão do texto

primeiro. Caso ainda julgue necessário, use um dicionário.

Glossary: heavily (forte/pesadamente); covered

(coberta); leaving (saindo); office (escritório);

puddle (poça); rubber fishing boots (botas de

pesca de borracha); holding (segurando); stick

(vareta); string (cordão); hanging (pendurada);

replied (respondeu); Poor guy! (pobre homem);

thought (pensou); going crazy (enlouquecendo);

felt sorry (sentiu pena); invite (convidar); nearby

(perto); ordered (pediu); while (enquanto); tried

(tentou); caught (pegou).

Fishing in the rain

It was a cold dark evening in February in the city. It was raining heavily and the roads were

covered in water.

George was leaving his office after work when he noticed a poor old man. The man was

standing next to a puddle in the road. He was wearing long rubber fishing boots and he was

holding a stick with a piece of string. The string was hanging in the puddle. George asked the old

man what he was doing and the man replied that he was fishing. ‘Poor guy!’, George thought.

The old man was obviously going crazy. George felt sorry for the old man, and he was getting

very wet, standing outside in the rain, so he decided to invite the old man to have a drink with him

in a nearby bar.

George ordered a drink for himself and bought one for the old man. The old man was

smiling happily as he was drinking. While they were finishing their drinks, George tried to start a

conversation. He turned to the old man and asked,

‘So is the fishing good today?’

‘Not bad today, thanks.’ replied the old man.

‘And how many have you caught?’

‘You're the eighth,’ the old man answered.

QUESTÕES: copie e responda as perguntas a seguir no seu caderno.

1 – O que o velho estava fazendo na rua quando George o encontrou?

2 – O que George pensou a respeito do velho? E o que George sentiu quando viu o velho

naquela situação?

3 – O que George decidiu fazer após ver o velho?

4 – O que o diálogo no final revela? (qual é a surpresa que temos no final? quem foi o tolo

da história?)

5 – Complete as frases abaixo com o passado contínuo. Você pode consultar o texto


a) It ______________________ heavily. (rain)

b) George _____________________ his office after work. (leave)

c) The man _____________________ next to a puddle in the road. (stand)

d) He __________________________ long rubber fishing boots. (wear)

e) He __________________________ a stick with a piece of string. (hold)

f) The string _______________________ in the puddle. (hang)

g) George asked the old man what he ___________________________ . (do)

h) The man replied that he __________________________________ . (fish)

i) The old man obviously ___________________________________ crazy. (go)

j) He ______________________________ very wet. (get)

k) The old man ________________ happily as he _______________ . (smile, drink)

l) They _______________________________ their drinks. (finish)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por andreluiszito2


1. ele estava em pé próximo a uma poça de agua

2. Ele pensou que o velho estava louco convidou o velho para tomar uma bebida em um bar próximo

4.que o velho fez o George de tolo

5-a) raining

b) going out

c) standing

d( wearing


f) hanging

h) fishing

i) going

j) getting

k)The old man was smiling happily as he was drinking.

l) finishing


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