Inglês, perguntado por caioag04, 2 meses atrás

NAME: A COMPLETE COM O VERBO TO BE INTERROGATIVA / NEGATIVA) Questions - to be 1___he your brother? No,___ 2___it a helicopter? Yes,___ 3___they doctors?No,___ 4___his sister an actress?Yes,___ 5___they tigers?No,___ 6___it a copy-book/Yes,___ 7___your father a police officer?___ No. 8___you a pupit? Yes,___ 9___hor aunt a homemaker? No,___ 10___they new?Yes,___ 11___she his cousin No,___ 12___your sister a singer? Yes..___ 13___you German?No,___ 14___they British? Yes,___ 15___it a ruler? No,___ 16___I late? Yes,___ 17___his brothers late? No..___ 18___Kate a blogger? Yes.___ 19___your parents engineers. No,___ 20___it correct? Yes.___​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

1. is / he isn't

2. is / it is

3. are /  they aren't

4. is / she is

5. are / they aren't

6. is / it is

7. is / he isn't

8. are / I am

9. is / she isn't

10. are / they are

11. is / she isn't

12. is / she is

13. are / I'm not

14. are / they are

15. is / it isn't

16. am / you are

17. are / they aren't

18. is / she is

19. are / they aren't

20. is / it is

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